Sunday, August 19, 2012


Here i am explaining the exact procedure to refill the cartridge and the problems associated with it.first you need the simple tools to refill it.these things are easily available in your home.                                                

  most important thing in refilling is that you should have good space and you have to use a very good quality of ink so that it can not damage your cartridge.follow these steps properly.

  1. Firstly remove the hp label on your will find the five holes on the top of it.
  1. Out of these five holes,you have to use middle one for refilling cartridge.
  1. Rest of the holes should be properly can use mseal for seal them and take small plastic strips with feviquick to properly cover these extra holes.
  1. Leave it for some time and fill the injection with the ink.
  1. Put this ink in to the cartridge refill hole with this injection.
  1. Ink is refilled .but some air has also entered in have to remove this for proper working of cartridge.
  1. For perfect printing,you have to remove this air and replaces it with the have to push ink with a high pressure so that it replaces the air.
  1. Enlarge the hole in which you fill the ink so that injection can be tightly fit in it.
  1. You have been refilled the ink as before.but again take a injection full of ink and fit it in the hole and apply full pressure to push ink.
When you find ink droplets from lower portion of cartridge,then stop it and wipe the cartridge with a cotton you have finished refilling.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Continuous ink supply system is just simillar to a water tank system in our houses.As the water in our tank is at high potential energy,water comes out through the pipe.similarly ink flows through the continuous ink supply system.

Here,i am showing a ciss tank assembled with a cartridge. As the vent hole in the head of ciss tank is at the atmospheric pressure,but the lower part of cartridge is extremely low pressure.As ink comes out of cartridge ,some air suck in ciss and pushes ink to go to the cartridge.In this way, same amount of ink through tank replaces the ink which has been used for printing can see that how a simple process can give a great life to your cartridge.DO YOU BELIEVE PRINTING COMPANIES DON'T THINK ABOUT IT AND IF THEY KNOW ,WHY DO THEY NOT USE THIS MECHANISM IN THEIR PRINTER.              

Friday, August 10, 2012

free printing part 1

printing without paying money to bullshit companies such as hp for their bad inkjet cartridge - part 1

you have to buy a cheapest printer such as hp deskjet 1000 or any one of its category and a cheapest continuous ink supply system called as CISS.Both of these cost only RS 2000.this system proves to be very beneficial to students who want to print their freely downloaded ebooks without paying any money to printing companies except paying money to buy cheapest ink for printing.

hp printer deskjet 1000 

you can buy it from flipkart or any online store or any offline store near you

it is good to buy it from special electronic market such as nehru place in delhi so that you can buy ciss kit with this printer.


continuous ink supply system ( ciss)

you can buy it online on ebay or you have to go to nehru place,delhi.I have provided some link to buy it at cheapest cost.I would recommend to buy a simplest ciss.links to buy it are as follows.
.         wait for my next post